Sunday, June 23, 2024

A00041 - John Bertram Garrett (Class of 1918), Bacteriologist for the Veterans Hospital in Tuskegee and Father of John Bertram Garrett, Jr. (Class of 1946)



We lost an interesting member of our class Jan. 3, 2010. John Garrett, Jr. was born May 9, 1925, in Tuskegee Ala. His father graduated from Amherst in 1918. He went on to MIT and became the bacteriologist for the Veterans Hospital in Tuskegee. To insure their only child had an excellent education, John, Jr. was sent to Boston to live with his father’s family. He graduated from Boston Latin and entered Amherst in ’42 at barely 17. He was a member of the Lord Jeff Club and he, Larry Barr (age 16) and Sandy Sternlieb (age 16) roomed together at the DKE House. Larry remembers him as a perfect roommate. He had a terrific sense of humor. It was of interest that both Sandy and Larry stated that they wished they could have reconnected with John but never did. So you guys that have a similar wish, reconnect now.

John stayed at Amherst until ’44, when he entered dentistry. He got his D.D.S. from Howard University in ’48. He entered the U.S. Dental Corps in ’51 as a lieutenant and rose to become a captain. He served in Germany. He had a dental practice on Tremont Street in Boston for 55 years. He married Glendella (Kilson) just before entering the U.S. Army, and they were together for his stint in Germany. They have two children, Elaine and Audrey ’80. John and Glendella came to Amherst and celebrated with us at our 50th and 60th Reunions.

The class has lost an outstanding member, and we send condolences to Glendella, Elaine and Audrey.

Woody Steinwart ’46
Moose Newman ’46
Frank Gibson ’46
Blaine Rawdon ’46
Dick Banfield ’46
Josh Watkins ’46
Tom Martinelli ’46
Jack Thompson ’46
Monk Carlin ’46 

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