Alphabetical Listings
Arthur Sherburne Hardy, A Novelist and Poet - A00006
Benjamin Jefferson Davis, Jr. (Amherst College Class of 1925), New York City Councilman and Leader in the Communist Party - A00055
Benoni Price Hurst (Class of 1912), Head of X-ray Department of Freedmen's Hospital A00037
Caleb Layton, Congressman from Delaware -A00007
Carl Curtis Beckwith (Amherst College Class of 1931), Dunbar High School Graduate and Graduate of Howard University Medical School - A00069
Cass Ballenger, Controversial Congressperson - A00004
Charles Dudley Lee (Amherst College Class of 1923 Matriculant), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00051
Charles Hamilton Houston (Class of 1915), Dunbar Graduate and Omega Phi Psi Member Who Became the Legal Architect of Desegregation - A00038
Charles Henry Moore (Class of 1878), Founder of the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University - A00024
Charles Richard Drew (Amherst College Class of 1926), Dunbar High School Graduate, American Surgeon, and the "Father of the Blood Bank" - A00057
Charles Sumner Wilson (Class of 1877), First Black Student Nominated to West Point and A Lawyer Who Was Later Imprisoned in an Insane Asylum - A00022
Charles William Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1923), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00049
Chauncey Baker Larry (Amherst College Class of 1927), Dunbar High School Graduate and Junior High School Teacher - A00060
Clarence Reed White (Amherst College Class of 1928), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00064
David Willis Utz (Amherst College Class of 1929), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00066
David Wills, Amherst College Professor of Religion - A00032
Donald Gaines Murray (Amherst College Class of 1934), Douglass High School Graduate and Plaintiff in the Supreme Court Case of Murray v. Pearson - A00072
Donald Gaines Murray (Class of 1934), Attorney and Plaintiff in the Case of Murray v. Pearson - A00015
Douglas Dayton, First President of Target - A00001
Edward Jones (Class of 1826), First Black Graduate of Amherst College and Missionary to Sierra Leone - A00018
Edward Webster Bemis, Public Utility Expert - A00005
Emily Dickinson, 19th Century American Poet - A00071
Frances Morse Dent (Class of 1916), Dunbar Graduate and Omega Phi Psi Member Who Became Civil Rights Lawyer A00039
Frank Alvan Hosmer (Class of 1875), Ninth President of Punahou and Great Barrington Educator Who Taught W. E. B. DuBois - A00021
Frederick Allan Parker (Class of 1920), Dunbar High School Graduate, Civil Rights Trailblazer and 1973 Amherst College Honorary Degree Recipient - A00044
George Costin Williams (Amherst College Class of 1929), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00067
George L. Shinn, Quixotic Wall Street Chief - A00002
George Nolen Calloway (Amherst College Class of 1923 Matriculant), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00050
George Washington Forbes (Class 0f 1892), African American Journalist and Boston's First Black City Librarian - A00009
Grateful Thank Yous to Frederick Drew Gregory (Class of 1962) and Junius White Williams (Class of 1965) - A00059
Guichard B. Parris (Amherst College Class of 1927), Amherst College Phi Beta Kappa, National Urban League Public Relations Director and Whitney Young Medallion Recipient - A00061
Harold Over Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1929), Dunbar High School Graduate and Howard University History Professor for Fifty Years - A00065
Henry Martin Tupper (Class of 1859), Founder of Shaw University - A00017
Hollis Freeman Price (Amherst College Class of 1927), First African American President of LeMoyne-Owen College - A00063
Hugh Bernard Price (Amherst College Class of 1963), National Urban League President - A00062 -
James Alphonso Curtis (Amherst College Class of 1933), Barringer High School (New Jersey) Graduate and New Jersey State Assemblymember - A00070
James Blaine Hunter (Class of 1909), A Dunbar Graduate - A00034
James Francis Gregory (Class of 1898), Amherst College 1898 Baseball Team Captain - A00028
James LeCount Chestnut (Class of 1907), A Dunbar Graduate - A00033
James Maraniss, Pulitizer Prize Winning Librettist of La Vida Es Sueno Opera - A00014
John Bertram Garrett (Class of 1918), Bacteriologist for the Veterans Hospital in Tuskegee and Father of John Bertram Garrett, Jr. (Class of 1946) - A00042
John Randolph Pinkett (Class of 1911), A Dunbar Graduate and a Dunbar High School Teacher - A00036
Joseph Clarence Chambers, Jr. (Amherst College Class of 1930), First African American Medical Superintendent of the New York Hospital System - A00068
Ken Howard, Television's "White Shadow" and the President of Screen Actors Guild - A00012
Lewis Spratlan, Pulitzer Prize Winning Composer of "Life is a Dream" Opera - A00013
Madison Smith (Class of 1877), The Only Black Amherst College Student Who Was First a Slave - A00023
Pelleman Williams (Class of 1844), Well Known Educator, Vocalist and Organist - A00019
Remembering Dunbar - A00041
Richard Wilbur, Poet Laureate and Pulitzer Recipient - A00010
Robert Henry Meriwether (Class of 1905), Howard University LLB - A00030
Robert Nicholas Mattingly (Class of 1906), A Dunbar Graduate and a Principal of Washington, D.C.'s Cardozo High School for 26 Years - A00031
Robert Percy Barnes (Class of 1921), Dunbar Graduate, Amherst Phi Beta Kappa, and Amherst's First African American Faculty Member - A00045
Robert Purvis, African American Abolitionist Who Most Likely Attended Amherst Academy - A00016
Robert Sinclair Hartgrove (Class of 1905), Washington, D. C. Lawyer - A00029
Samuel George Elbert (Amherst College Class of 1922), McGill University Medical School Graduate (1929) - A00046
Sarah Goldberg, Actress on TV's "7th Heaven" - A00003
The Civil War Soldiers - A00020
The Dunbar- Amherst Connection: 1892-1961 - A00043
The Omega Psi Phi Men of Amherst - A00040
Thomas Desire Pawley (Class of 1911), Father of Thomas Pawley III and Grandfather of Thomas Pawley IV - A00035
Thurman Luce Dodson (Amherst College Class of 1926), Dunbar High School Graduate and the 1947-48 President of the National Bar Association - A00058
Wilbert Blanchard Lew (Class of 1883), Horse Whisperer and Veterinary Specialist - A00026
Wiley Lane (Class of 1879), The First African American Professor of Greek at Howard University - A00025
Will Mercer Cook (Amherst College Class of 1925), Dunbar High School Graduate and American Diplomat - A00054
William Henry Hastie (Amherst College Class of 1925), Dunbar High School Graduate and First African American to Serve as a Federal Judge - A00056
William Henry Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1892), Bay State Banner Profile: William H. Lewis: Eloquent Orator and Lauded Lawyer - A00047
William Henry Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1892), Harvard Magazine: Brief Life of a Football Pioneer - A00048
William Henry Lewis (Class of 1892), African American Pioneer in Athletics, Law and Politics - A00008
William McFeely, American Historian and Grant Biographer - A00011
William Montague Cobb (Amherst College Class of 1925): Communications - A00053
William Montague Cobb (Amherst College Class of 1925), Dunbar High School Graduate Who Became the First African American PhD in Anthropology and the First African American NAACP President - A00052
William Tecumseh Sherman Jackson (Class of 1892), Dunbar High School Educator and Recruiter of Charles Hamilton Houston - A00027
(Ballenger, Cass) Cass Ballenger, Controversial Congressperson - A00004
(Barnes, Robert Percy) Robert Percy Barnes (Class of 1921), Dunbar Graduate, Amherst Phi Beta Kappa, and Amherst's First African American Faculty Member - A00045
(Beckwith, Carl Curtis) Carl Curtis Beckwith (Amherst College Class of 1931), Dunbar High School Graduate and Graduate of Howard University Medical School - A00069
(Bemis, Edward Webster) Edward Webster Bemis, Public Utility Expert - A00005
(Calloway, George Nolen) George Nolen Calloway (Amherst College Class of 1923 Matriculant), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00050
(Chambers, Joseph Clarence, Jr.) Joseph Clarence Chambers, Jr. (Amherst College Class of 1930), First African American Medical Superintendent of the New York Hospital System - A00068
(Chestnut, James LeCount) James LeCount Chestnut (Class of 1907), A Dunbar Graduate - A00033
(Cobb, William Montague) William Montague Cobb (Amherst College Class of 1925): Communications - A00053
(Cobb, William Montague) William Montague Cobb (Amherst College Class of 1925), Dunbar High School Graduate Who Became the First African American PhD in Anthropology and the First African American NAACP President - A00052
(Cook, Will Mercer) Will Mercer Cook (Amherst College Class of 1925), Dunbar High School Graduate and American Diplomat - A00054
(Curtis, James Alphonso) James Alphonso Curtis (Amherst College Class of 1933), Barringer High School (New Jersey) Graduate and New Jersey State Assemblymember - A00070
(Davis, Benjamin Jefferson) Benjamin Jefferson Davis, Jr. (Amherst College Class of 1925), New York City Councilman and Leader in the Communist Party - A00055
(Dayton, Douglas) Douglas Dayton, First President of Target - A00001
(Dent, Frances Morse) Frances Morse Dent (Class of 1916), Dunbar Graduate and Omega Phi Psi Member Who Became Civil Rights Lawyer A00039
(Dickinson, Emily) Emily Dickinson, 19th Century American Poet - A00071
(Dodson, Thurman Luce) Thurman Luce Dodson (Amherst College Class of 1926), Dunbar High School Graduate and the 1947-48 President of the National Bar Association - A00058
(Drew, Charles Richard) Charles Richard Drew (Amherst College Class of 1926), Dunbar High School Graduate, American Surgeon, and the "Father of the Blood Bank" - A00057
(Elbert, Samuel George) Samuel George Elbert (Amherst College Class of 1922), McGill University Medical School Graduate (1929) - A00046
(Forbes, George Washington) George Washington Forbes (Class 0f 1892), African American Journalist and Boston's First Black City Librarian - A00009
(Garrett, John Bertram) John Bertram Garrett (Class of 1918), Bacteriologist for the Veterans Hospital in Tuskegee and Father of John Bertram Garrett, Jr. (Class of 1946) - A00042
(Goldberg, Sarah) Sarah Goldberg, Actress on TV's "7th Heaven" - A00003
(Gregory, James Francis) James Francis Gregory (Class of 1898), Amherst College 1898 Baseball Team Captain - A00028
(Hardy, Arthur Sherburne) Arthur Sherburne Hardy, A Novelist and Poet - A00006
(Hartgrove, Robert Sinclair) Robert Sinclair Hartgrove (Class of 1905), Washington, D. C. Lawyer - A00029
(Hastie, William Henry) William Henry Hastie (Amherst College Class of 1925), Dunbar High School Graduate and First African American to Serve as a Federal Judge - A00056
(Hosmer, Frank Alvan) Frank Alvan Hosmer (Class of 1875), Ninth President of Punahou and Great Barrington Educator Who Taught W. E. B. DuBois - A00021
(Houston, Charles Hamilton) Charles Hamilton Houston (Class of 1915), Dunbar Graduate and Omega Phi Psi Member Who Became the Legal Architect of Desegregation A00038
(Howard, Ken) Ken Howard, Television's "White Shadow" and the President of Screen Actors Guild A00012
(Hunter, James Blaine) James Blaine Hunter (Class of 1909), A Dunbar Graduate - A00034
(Hurst, Benoni Price) Benoni Price Hurst (Class of 1912), Head of X-ray Department of Freedmen's Hospital A00037
(Jackson, William Tecumseh Sherman) William Tecumseh Sherman Jackson (Class of 1892), Dunbar High School Educator and Recruiter of Charles Hamilton Houston - A00027
(Jones, Edward) Edward Jones (Class of 1826), First Black Graduate of Amherst College and Missionary to Sierra Leone - A00018
(Lane, Wiley) Wiley Lane (Class of 1879), The First African American Professor of Greek at Howard University - A00025
(Larry, Chauncey Baker) Chauncey Baker Larry (Amherst College Class of 1927), Dunbar High School Graduate and Junior High School Teacher - A00060
(Layton, Caleb) Caleb Layton, Congressman from Delaware - A00007
(Lee, Charles Dudley) Charles Dudley Lee (Amherst College Class of 1923 Matriculant), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00051
(Lew, Wilbert Blanchard) Wilbert Blanchard Lew (Class of 1883), Horse Whisperer and Veterinary Specialist - A00026
(Lewis, Charles William) Charles William Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1923), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00049
(Lewis, Harold Over) Harold Over Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1929), Dunbar High School Graduate and Howard University History Professor for Fifty Years - A00065
(Lewis, William Henry) William Henry Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1892), Bay State Banner Profile: William H. Lewis: Eloquent Orator and Lauded Lawyer - A00047
(Lewis, William Henry) William Henry Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1892), Harvard Magazine: Brief Life of a Football Pioneer - A00048
(Lewis, William Henry) William Henry Lewis (Class of 1892), African American Pioneer in Athletics, Law and Politics - A00008
(Maraniss, James) James Maraniss, Pulitizer Prize Winning Librettist of La Vida Es Sueno Opera - A00014
(Mattingly, Robert Nicholas) Robert Nicholas Mattingly (Class of 1906), A Dunbar Graduate and a Principal of Washington, D.C.'s Cardozo High School for 26 Years - A00031
(McFeely, William) William McFeely, American Historian and Grant Biographer - A00011
(Meriwether, Robert Henry) Robert Henry Meriwether (Class of 1905), Howard University LLB - A00030
(Moore, Charles Henry) Charles Henry Moore (Class of 1878), Founder of the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University - A00024
(Murray, Donald Gaines) Donald Gaines Murray (Amherst College Class of 1934), Douglass High School Graduate and Plaintiff in the Supreme Court Case of Murray v. Pearson - A00072
(Murray, Donald Gaines) Donald Gaines Murray (Class of 1934), Attorney and Plaintiff in the Case of Murray v. Pearson - A00015
(Parker, Frederick Allan) Frederick Allan Parker (Class of 1920), Dunbar High School Graduate, Civil Rights Trailblazer and 1973 Amherst College Honorary Degree Recipient - A00044
(Parris, Guichard B.) Guichard B. Parris (Amherst College Class of 1927), Amherst College Phi Beta Kappa, National Urban League Public Relations Director and Whitney Young Medallion Recipient - A00061
(Pawley, Thomas Desire) Thomas Desire Pawley (Class of 1911), Father of Thomas Pawley III and Grandfather of Thomas Pawley IV - A00035
(Pinkett, John Randolph) John Randolph Pinkett (Class of 1911), A Dunbar Graduate and a Dunbar High School Teacher - A00036
(Price, Hollis Freeman) Hollis Freeman Price (Amherst College Class of 1927), First African American President of LeMoyne-Owen College - A00063
(Price, Hugh Bernard) Hugh Bernard Price (Amherst College Class of 1963), National Urban League President - A00062
(Purvis, Robert) Robert Purvis, African American Abolitionist Who Most Likely Attended Amherst Academy - A00016
(Shinn, George L.) George L. Shinn, Quixotic Wall Street Chief - A00002
(Smith, Madison) Madison Smith (Class of 1877), The Only Black Amherst College Student Who Was First a Slave
(Spratlan, Lewis) Lewis Spratlan, Pulitzer Prize Winning Composer of "Life is a Dream" Opera - A00013
The Civil War Soldiers - A00020
(Tupper, Henry Martin) Henry Martin Tupper (Class of 1859), Founder of Shaw University A00017
(Utz, David Willis) David Willis Utz (Amherst College Class of 1929), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00066
(White, Clarence Reed) Clarence Reed White (Amherst College Class of 1928), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00064
(Wilbur, Richard) Richard Wilbur, Poet Laureate and Pulitzer Recipient - A00010
(Williams, George Costin) George Costin Williams (Amherst College Class of 1929), Dunbar High School Graduate - A00067
(Williams, Pelleman) Pelleman Williams (Class of 1844), Well Known Educator, Vocalist and Organist - A00019
(Wills, David) David Wills, Amherst College Professor of Religion - A00032
(Wilson, Charles Sumner) Charles Sumner Wilson (Class of 1877), First Black Student Nominated to West Point and A Lawyer Who Was Later Imprisoned in an Insane Asylum - A00022
Numerical Listings
A00001 - Douglas Dayton, First President of Target
A00002 - George L. Shinn, Quixotic Wall Street Chief
A00003 - Sarah Goldberg, Actress on TV's "7th Heaven"
A00004 - Cass Ballenger, Controversial Congressperson
A00005 - Edward Webster Bemis, Public Utility Expert
A00006 - Arthur Sherburne Hardy, A Novelist and Poet
A00007 - Caleb Layton, Congressman from Delaware
A00008 - William Henry Lewis (Class of 1892), African American Pioneer in Athletics, Law and Politics
A00009 - George Washington Forbes (Class 0f 1892), African American Journalist and Boston's First Black City Librarian
A00010 - Richard Wilbur, Poet Laureate and Pulitzer Recipient
A00011 - William McFeely, American Historian and Grant Biographer
A00012 - Ken Howard, Television's "White Shadow" and the President of Screen Actors Guild
A00013 - Lewis Spratlan, Pulitzer Prize Winning Composer of "Life is a Dream" Opera
A00014 - James Maraniss, Pulitizer Prize Winning Librettist of La Vida Es Sueno Opera
A00015 - Donald Gaines Murray (Class of 1934), Attorney and Plaintiff in the Case of Murray v. Pearson
A00016 - Robert Purvis, African American Abolitionist Who Most Likely Attended Amherst Academy
A00017 - Henry Martin Tupper (Class of 1859), Founder of Shaw University
A00018 - Edward Jones (Class of 1826), First Black Graduate of Amherst College and Missionary to Sierra Leone
A00019 - Pelleman Williams (Class of 1844), Well Known Educator, Vocalist and Organist
A00020 - The Civil War Soldiers
A00021 - Frank Alvan Hosmer (Class of 1875), Ninth President of Punahou and Great Barrington Educator Who Taught W. E. B. DuBois
A00022 - Charles Sumner Wilson (Class of 1877), First Black Student Nominated to West Point and A Lawyer Who Was Later Imprisoned in an Insane Asylum
A00023 - Madison Smith (Class of 1877), The Only Black Amherst College Student Who Was First a Slave
A00024 - Charles Henry Moore (Class of 1878), Founder of the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
A00025 - Wiley Lane (Class of 1879), The First African American Professor of Greek at Howard University
A00026 - Wilbert Blanchard Lew (Class of 1883), Horse Whisperer and Veterinary Specialist
A00027 - William Tecumseh Sherman Jackson (Class of 1892), Dunbar High School Educator and Recruiter of Charles Hamilton Houston
A00028 - James Francis Gregory (Class of 1898), Amherst College 1898 Baseball Team Captain
A00029 - Robert Sinclair Hartgrove (Class of 1905), Washington, D. C. Lawyer
A00030 - Robert Henry Meriwether (Class of 1905), Howard University LLB
A00031 - Robert Nicholas Mattingly (Class of 1906), A Dunbar Graduate and a Principal of Washington, D.C.'s Cardozo High School for 26 Years
A00032 - David Wills, Amherst College Professor of Religion
A00033 - James LeCount Chestnut (Class of 1907), A Dunbar Graduate
A00034 - James Blaine Hunter (Class of 1909), A Dunbar Graduate
A00035 - Thomas Desire Pawley (Class of 1911), Father of Thomas Pawley III and Grandfather of Thomas Pawley IV
A00036 - John Randolph Pinkett (Class of 1911), A Dunbar Graduate and a Dunbar High School Teacher
A00037 - Benoni Price Hurst (Class of 1912), Head of X-ray Department of Freedmen's Hospital
A00038 - Charles Hamilton Houston (Class of 1915), Dunbar Graduate and Omega Phi Psi Member Who Became the Legal Architect of Desegregation
A00039 - Frances Morse Dent (Class of 1916), Dunbar Graduate and Omega Phi Psi Member Who Became Civil Rights Lawyer
A00040 - The Omega Psi Phi Men of Amherst
A00041 - Remembering Dunbar
A00042 - John Bertram Garrett (Class of 1918), Bacteriologist for the Veterans Hospital in Tuskegee and Father of John Bertram Garrett, Jr. (Class of 1946)
A00043 - The Dunbar- Amherst Connection: 1892-1961
A00044 - Frederick Allan Parker (Class of 1920), Dunbar High School Graduate, Civil Rights Trailblazer and 1973 Amherst College Honorary Degree Recipient
A00045 - Robert Percy Barnes (Class of 1921), Dunbar Graduate, Amherst Phi Beta Kappa, and Amherst's First African American Faculty Member
A00046 - Samuel George Elbert (Amherst College Class of 1922), McGill University Medical School Graduate (1929)
A00047 - William Henry Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1892), Bay State Banner Profile: William H. Lewis: Eloquent Orator and Lauded Lawyer
A00048 - William Henry Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1892), Harvard Magazine: Brief Life of a Football Pioneer
A00049 - Charles William Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1923), Dunbar High School Graduate
A00050 - George Nolen Calloway (Amherst College Class of 1923 Matriculant), Dunbar High School Graduate
A00051- Charles Dudley Lee (Amherst College Class of 1923 Matriculant), Dunbar High School Graduate
A00052 - William Montague Cobb (Amherst College Class of 1925), Dunbar High School Graduate Who Became the First African American PhD in Anthropology and the First African American NAACP President
A00053 - William Montague Cobb (Amherst College Class of 1925): Communications
A00054 - Will Mercer Cook (Amherst College Class of 1925), Dunbar High School Graduate and American Diplomat
A00055- Benjamin Jefferson Davis, Jr. (Amherst College Class of 1925), New York City Councilman and Leader in the Communist Party
A00056- William Henry Hastie (Amherst College Class of 1925), Dunbar High School Graduate and First African American to Serve as a Federal Judge
A00057 - Charles Richard Drew (Amherst College Class of 1926), Dunbar High School Graduate, American Surgeon, and the "Father of the Blood Bank"
A00058 - Thurman Luce Dodson (Amherst College Class of 1926), Dunbar High School Graduate and the 1947-48 President of the National Bar Association
A00059 - Grateful Thank Yous to Frederick Drew Gregory (Class of 1962) and Junius White Williams (Class of 1965)
A00060 - Chauncey Baker Larry (Amherst College Class of 1927), Dunbar High School Graduate and Junior High School Teacher
A00061 - Guichard B. Parris (Amherst College Class of 1927), Amherst College Phi Beta Kappa, National Urban League Public Relations Director and Whitney Young Medallion Recipient
A00062 - Hugh Bernard Price (Amherst College Class of 1963), National Urban League President
A00063 - Hollis Freeman Price (Amherst College Class of 1927), First African American President of LeMoyne-Owen College
A00064 - Clarence Reed White (Amherst College Class of 1928), Dunbar High School Graduate
A00065 - Harold Over Lewis (Amherst College Class of 1929), Dunbar High School Graduate and Howard University History Professor for Fifty Years
A00066 - David Willis Utz (Amherst College Class of 1929), Dunbar High School Graduate
A00067 - George Costin Williams (Amherst College Class of 1929), Dunbar High School Graduate
A00068 - Joseph Clarence Chambers, Jr. (Amherst College Class of 1930), First African American Medical Superintendent of the New York Hospital System
A00069 - Carl Curtis Beckwith (Amherst College Class of 1931), Dunbar High School Graduate and Graduate of Howard University Medical School
A00070 - James Alphonso Curtis (Amherst College Class of 1933), Barringer High School (New Jersey) Graduate and New Jersey State Assemblymember
A00071 - Emily Dickinson, 19th Century American Poet
A00072 - Donald Gaines Murray (Amherst College Class of 1934), Douglass High School Graduate and Plaintiff in the Supreme Court Case of Murray v. Pearson